Thrifting as a Lifestyle

Thrifting as a Lifestyle

It’s always fun to show you the thrifty treasures that I snatch up on my yard sale days, and thrift store outings. Finding so many amazing things that I definitely don’t “need,” but really want is such a blessing. Home Decor and American Girl...
$1.50 of Pure Turquoise Happiness

$1.50 of Pure Turquoise Happiness

This winter, I really took a step back from my typical thrifting. (Something to do with jam packed storage, and no space for more treasures until I de-clutter some more.) Yet when I wandering into a tiny, unpretentious thrift store last week, one whose door welcomed...
What Did You Do On Black Friday?

What Did You Do On Black Friday?

While everyone was fighting the traffic, getting some great deals as they stood in line for hours, (and quite possibly sacrificed their bodies for that deal), my side of the family did the same thing we do every single Black Friday – drove 200 yards down the...
Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

As I prepare to write this post, I glance around to estimate just how much of the products in our home comes from a second hand source. Right now, I am snacking from beautiful teal, Mikasa dishes that I bought at a yard sale. Dishes which sit on an American Drew table...
Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

Preparing for Vacation – Thrifting Style

One of the benefits of living only a few hours from both the mountains and the beach is the easy access to simple, frugal getaways during the off season or even just a “daycation.” My husband was supposed to be out of town for a few days and I was offered...
You know they’re true frugal friends when…

You know they’re true frugal friends when…

You know they’re true frugal friends when they agree to a ladies’ night out that begins with a stop at GoodWill. (Now only five ladies came to GW, yet twelve met us for dinner…they don’t know what they’re missing.) You know they are true...