Under Construction

Welcome to my new home on the web. Please excuse my bedlam moment while this site is under construction. It will be up and running soon! You can still visit my old site until the transfer is complete.
No more complaining…

No more complaining…

Seriously ladies – we have no right to complain about nursing ever again. You think you’re tired? These babies not only have really sharp teeth, but claws as well. Nope – no complaining here.My years of nursing were just fine!Our poor lab mommy...

Please read – update on baby chicks

As an update to my previous post, please remind me not to write a blog post at midnight on a jam packed day. :)I tend to forget that I have new followers who don’t know “my blog history” or the behind the scenes scenario.So welcome new followers!...
Baby chicks in the house…

Baby chicks in the house…

It’s about this time of the year when our children decide there’s not enough life around this house, and most certainly, our daily routine could use just a bit more.Yes, those baby chicks just look so sweet and innocent…And so I give in…over...
Calgon take me away!

Calgon take me away!

I have always wondered about the moms who have time to take a luxurious Calgon bath.I want it, I crave it,but truly, it doesn’t need to be Calgon….a huge vat of this chocolate would be just fine.I don’t care about the calories, the repercussions, or...