My Christmas Holiday Decor and more…

My Christmas Holiday Decor and more…

Is it possible that putting up Christmas Holiday Decor can span nearly two weeks? How I have dragged it out so much? Bit by bit, I am slowly finishing different spots in the house, but unfortunately, that means there’s been unfinished boxes sitting patiently in...
Christmas Mantel Decorations and Ideas for Garlands

Christmas Mantel Decorations and Ideas for Garlands

As the holidays approach, Christmas decor comes out of the attic, outside lights go up, and schedules increase. One of my yearly Christmas decorating inspirations has been my friend, Laura and her glorious garlands. Last Sunday, I heard her ask a friend, “Do you...
Trash to Treasure Yard Sale Find – Antique Chair

Trash to Treasure Yard Sale Find – Antique Chair

After having taken a few weeks off of attending yard sales, I ventured out bright and early Saturday morning to browse for a few treasures. I was not disappointed. Tucked away, I caught of glimpse of the lines on this chair and envisioned new white washed wood with...
Odd Uses for Unexpected Yard Sale Items

Odd Uses for Unexpected Yard Sale Items

Honoring our eldest son in a quick and creative pictorial way came in the form of a $1 yard sale find. This tray looked like trash, which was probably why it was still around at 11 am on a Saturday morning, but I had a vision for the treasure it could become. Often it...