It's All in the Attitude

It's All in the Attitude

To where has October flown? I haven’t even scratched the surface of “choosing to be intentional” with our personal finances, family and every day life during these 31 Days to More to Less. Somehow living life to its fullest often gets in the way...
My $0.25 Yard Sale Reminder

My $0.25 Yard Sale Reminder

It’s no secret that I am a “professional” yard saler. It’s not really in my bio, but maybe it should be. I guess the term “professional” defines someone who makes money from that endeavor, yet I don’t make money from it, but...
Free Fun: What’s in Our Own Back Yard?

Free Fun: What’s in Our Own Back Yard?

As the son of two WI public school teachers, my hubby’s spring break vacations included caravaning  from Green Bay, WI all the way to the beaches of Destin, Fl.  Teacher families from Green Bay would spend a glorious week soaking in the rays, playing volleyball...
Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

As I prepare to write this post, I glance around to estimate just how much of the products in our home comes from a second hand source. Right now, I am snacking from beautiful teal, Mikasa dishes that I bought at a yard sale. Dishes which sit on an American Drew table...
Host a Teenage Birthday Party…on a budget!

Host a Teenage Birthday Party…on a budget!

As the time came for our oldest son to turn sixteen,  I wanted to plan something special, sentimental, and yet still be deemed successful in his teenage eyes. As the time came closer for this birthday party, he assured me, “Don’t worry, mom, I’ll...