Come Take a Peek at the New Re-design

Come Take a Peek at the New Re-design

Pardon my dust. If it’s not at home, it’s right here on my blog. It’s 2:49, and I am heading to bed, but just wanted to invite you to come take a peek at the new look. It’s still has that same Balancing Beauty and Bedlam feel, but with a few...
Add your picture to WordPress blog comments

Add your picture to WordPress blog comments

It’s been a learning curve since I switched my blog to the new site, and one of the things I miss the most is that I can’t see your cute face in the comments. You know how when you comment on a Blogger blog your cute little photo pops up next to it, but...

Balancing Blogging Goals

My life as a blogger has been incredibly surreal. Reading my first blogs ever in the summer of 2008, I realized that there was this whole virtual “world” about which I had no idea.  I couldn’t believe what I had been missing. Any topic I was...

Subscribe to Beauty and Bedlam

If you currently subscribe to my old site on Blogger, please click here to re-subscribe to this site. You are now able to receive updates via email. Click here to subscribe to Balancing Beauty and Bedlam by email.

Blogging tips…enable your email feature

One of the things that I love most about blogging is the community that can be developed through reading blogs, but mainly through the personal comments that are left at the bottom of the posts.I used to reply to every single comment, promising to never become...