Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

As I prepare to write this post, I glance around to estimate just how much of the products in our home comes from a second hand source. Right now, I am snacking from beautiful teal, Mikasa dishes that I bought at a yard sale. Dishes which sit on an American Drew table...
What’s Your $10 Fun?

What’s Your $10 Fun?

Last weekend, my girls and I bonded over treasure hunting and hit some yard sales. We didn’t find a lot of things, but because they were with me, items were pointed out in a new light. Smooshed together in a Rubbermaid container was a bunch of plastic marked,...
Why I Choose to Yard Sale and Buy Thrift

Planning Your Garage Sale and Thrifting Trips

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” We often think of that old adage in terms of business or work, but the same philosophy holds true when I plan out my yard sale and thrifting trips. (No, I don’t take this little hobby seriously or anything, do...