Morning Routines…What are Yours?

Morning Routines…What are Yours?

When I was asked to share a little bit about my morning routines, my knee jerk reaction responded, “Why morning routines? Please, ask me about living on a budget, couponing or raising kids, but to share about my morning routines…AHH!” There are so...
Frigidaire, Food, and Family Manager

Frigidaire, Food, and Family Manager

As I read one astonishing email right before Thanksgiving, I literally started screeching. My kids came running. My husband wondered if I was alright, and I could barely catch my breath. Well, my breath is back, and I am ready to exhale while I “test...
Just do the next thing…

Just do the next thing…

If there’s any weekend that you might find it interesting to be a fly on my wall, it would not be this one. Unless, you’re ready to watch heads spin. This weekend, I am participated in a Holiday Market – one of those huge events where 20,000 people...