Low Fat Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins

Low Fat Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins

One can not have enough pumpkin in the home at this time of year, but can I tell you a secret? I don’t like Pumpkin Pie, but I love everything baked with pumpkin, so between my Easy Pumpkin Bar Recipe, Easy Pumpkin Cake (SO YUMMY!), Pumpkin Gingerbread, Pumpkin...
Fun Family Food Ideas: Make some Foodimals

Fun Family Food Ideas: Make some Foodimals

Have you ever seen the movie,  Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? It  inspired wonderful memories and lots of food fun in my house. My mind goes back in time. Skipping off the bus, I run to our front door, throw my arms around my mom and recount my first days of...
After 4 Years, a Good-bye (& the Best of)

After 4 Years, a Good-bye (& the Best of)

“For me, the kitchen feels like the heart of our home. One whiff of my coffee brewing in the morning lifts and it soothes my spirit. The sight, smell and taste of a particular recipe has the potential for such an immediate reaction, doesn’t it? I smiled...