For the Love of Blueberries

For the Love of Blueberries

Blueberries and I have a long standing love affair. She woos me over and over again with her many, delicious attributes and reminds me of why my quest for the perfect basket of blueberries has been an annual tradition for ages. Personally, I’ve planted a few...
Sweet,  Sugar Cinnamon Popovers

Sweet, Sugar Cinnamon Popovers

Last week, I shared my simple popover recipe. It’s a wonderful alternative to the traditional dinner roll or bread; a crisp hollow pastry with an eggy interior. I love dipping popovers in my soup or slathering them with butter, but there’s something else...
Popover Recipe: (Give it a try and never go back)

Popover Recipe: (Give it a try and never go back)

It’s a chilly, rainy day today, and nothing seems more inviting than a bowl of simmering soup accompanied by some fresh, out of the oven, popovers. A few months ago, I visited my sweet sister in-love and she introduced me to this easy popover recipe. Just a...