Dear Me: a Letter to My Teenage Self

Dear Me: a Letter to My Teenage Self

Dear Teenage Self Me, In one week, you will turn 16. I just love that you are so full of  life, and innocent enough to believe that this magical birthday will suddenly allow life to explode with possibilities. I know, I know, you are rolling your eyes wondering why...
When I Say “I Do” (Jen Sharing)

When I Say “I Do” (Jen Sharing)

Last month, my niece and a wonderful young man stood before the Lord and declared, “I do.” I’ve had  the privilege of singing at many weddings over the years, but when it’s someone who is like a daughter to me, those moments of music hit a bit...
Love Them Well

Love Them Well

“We’re praying for this next chapter,” I heard the greeter mention to someone as they walked out of the sanctuary. I glanced up to see who she was addressing, and my sweet friends came into view. “Chapter, what chapter,” I inquired? Anticipating the announcement of an...
Beautiful One (Sunday Moment)

Beautiful One (Sunday Moment)

We started out our worship package last week with the song, “Your Grace is Enough.” Based on the verse found in 2 Corinthians 12:9. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will...
I’m Weird, Are You? (A Sunday Moment)

I’m Weird, Are You? (A Sunday Moment)

Our twelve year old rolled her eyes at me as I descended down the stair case on the way to my self imposed “Tacky Day.” “You’re weird, Mom.” I guess in that moment I had delusions of grandeur, and that was not the Scarlet O’Hara entrance for which I was hoping. But...