My $0.25 Yard Sale Reminder

My $0.25 Yard Sale Reminder

It’s no secret that I am a “professional” yard saler. It’s not really in my bio, but maybe it should be. I guess the term “professional” defines someone who makes money from that endeavor, yet I don’t make money from it, but...
Odd Uses for Unexpected Yard Sale Items

Odd Uses for Unexpected Yard Sale Items

Honoring our eldest son in a quick and creative pictorial way came in the form of a $1 yard sale find. This tray looked like trash, which was probably why it was still around at 11 am on a Saturday morning, but I had a vision for the treasure it could become. Often it...
Laundry Room Redo – I Love Paint

Laundry Room Redo – I Love Paint

My laundry room has been in disarray for years. Now for most, that is pretty typical but there are no worries because one just closes the door to the laundry room and the worries melt away. Well, not so in this house because EVERYONE walks in through our side laundry...
Five Low-Cost Ways to Add Value to Your Home

Five Low-Cost Ways to Add Value to Your Home

You all know that with summer here, one of my goals is to attack some very neglected home projects. I’m off to a good start with my painting, but there are just so many things to do with such limited time it’s hard to prioritize everything. There are...