Update on computer woes…It seems that I have approximately 2 minutes before my sick computer throws up.So sad for me, but it sure does keep the computer time in check. My hubby can’t get to it till this weekend, so my visits will be few. It won’t even let me edit, so I am just posting this without seeing it…have grace.

** A Very Quick, Unedited Family History about Hospitality***

I had the privilege of growing up in a home where hospitality was not something planned,
stressed over or talked about.
It just WAS! It was part of our family tapestry,

woven together into the very fabric of our family DNA.

It still is who my parents are and it oozes out of every little pore in their being. I am sure they have entertained angels unaware (Heb. 13:2), and in doing so they became a channel of His love towards others. As a child, I didn’t realize that was uncommon. They were creating an intentional generational legacy without my knowledge. I thought every family had an open door policy and with that, I grew up next to unwed moms, recovering drug addicts, missionaries, foreign exchange students, and lots of people who just needed to be loved….unconditionally.

If you are reading this and are turned off because the thought of a lasting legacy brings emotions of what you don’t have…take heart. A lasting legacy begins today and you have the power to change generations to come. My parents did – they broke the cycle and I am the benefactor or that.

Ok, I am getting down off the soap box for a minute to breathe…especially since I can’t edit anything…yikes!!

(As I type this, I realize the spirit of hospitality – not entertaining – there’s a big difference, needs to be a completely separate series since I feel pretty passionately about it…surprise, surprise.)

This is my sil (mom of 10) and my mom…yes, grandmother of 30. Pretty disgusting how great she looks, isn’t it? True Proverbs 31 lady. Amazing what healthy eating and exercise will do…:) I need to learn from my mother…hee hee.

The reason I bring up our history is to set the stage for our Sunday evening. We got to meet precious YOUNG for the first time, and she was such a delight. For the last decade my parents have had international students live with them, and recently the focus has been Chinese teachers that come to teach in the US for one year.These teachers become part of our family, and you can imagine the huge cultural curve they have with us.

We always tell them that we are not “typical Americans.” Ha ha…at least we’re honest.

Some of the reasons that just JUMP off the obvious page are the social issues. They may only have one child and then are forced to make that happen. Can you imagine your first interaction being a “family dinner” with all of us on the Harried Homestead? Trust me, many of you may be overwhelmed, not to mention this sweet, “one child policy” teacher. It’s never a time that’s out of control, it’s just organized chaos. She just loved it though, and couldn’t get over the demonstration of affection…typically rare in her culture. My dad always gives “love pats, “ yep – on the touché…as a grown woman you just have to deal with it…lol, and that cracked her up.

Oh, I realize that this post will be WAY TOO LONG If I go over all the differences, so I will jump WAY ahead. We are about to have the most delightful year with her. She is very different that many of the teachers that have stayed with my parents. Many have been staunch supporters of the Communist government which includes no Christian churches etc, so it’s typically a very interesting learning time for the kids, and a great “world view” opportunity. Young wants to experience everything American, including why we believe what we believe.She’s asking…can we really say “no?”

She came in loving on the kids, and gave us all a great tutorial on her perspective of the Olympics.

You always know those “special someones” by how children take to them….and ours sure did.

Here’s just a few peeks at what a typical time when we’re together looks like.

And guess what….the bedlam moments? We only had one broken hurrican lamp, one broken glass, one dropped plate of food and one black eye. The black eye came after repeated warnings about not running on the back deck in the dark, at 11:00pm, with all your cousins or you’ll bump heads. You’ve got to love harmless natural consequences.

My kids are cracking me up…they are thinking blog and my son took the picture of the meat. Trust me, there were about 3 more plates full of those.

BUT NOTE THE AWESOME YARD SALE FIND!! I got this fun summer time dinnerware. I typically just use white dishes and then dress them up with accents but this great aqua set….a COMPLETE MIKASA (OH YEA…that’s expensive stuff!!) place setting for 8…with the serving pieces…in the boxes….$20!

I know HATE ME!

Can you see them nestled under the hamburgers?

My hubby is a true grill master. This is my nephew who treated us with lots of fun foods from Guatemala.
Since each picture is taking forever to load….I can’t finish off the special evening. Come back for our time of blessing…..Here’s a sneak peak!