“God Watch” Financial Update

*Many of you have asked how my husband’s job search is going and how we are making it financially since it’s been so long. Here are just a few thoughts for those faithful followers. Embracing this season during our “God Watch” continues to...
Birthday Traditions

Birthday Traditions

Since I mentioned that we just finished three birthdays in 31 days, I thought I would share a few birthday tradition ideas that have been meaningful at different times. We don’t attempt to do these all or it would be overwhelming, but I will share a variety of...
Calgon take me away!

Calgon take me away!

I have always wondered about the moms who have time to take a luxurious Calgon bath.I want it, I crave it,but truly, it doesn’t need to be Calgon….a huge vat of this chocolate would be just fine.I don’t care about the calories, the repercussions, or...
Welcome, y’all, to North Carolina

Welcome, y’all, to North Carolina

Welcome my new Blog Around the World friends!(and any Heart of the Matter friends that might visit…added very late, of course)I am so, so, so glad that you are coming to visit me today in NC.Just so you know, I had to spell check how “y’all”...