flex·i·ble (flks-bl)adj.

1. Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.
2. Responsive to change; adaptable

  • While I spent a wonderful weekend in Nashville at the Blissdom Blogging Conference, my family defined flexibility without complaining.
  • While I was treated to an open menu at a classy restaurant, my family ate Captain Crunch by candlelight.
  • While I naively flew into our local Airport, anxious to scurry home, put my feet up and snuggle with the children, I was informed that the power had been out the whole weekend due to our ice storm and that we were camping out on Grandma and Grandpa’s floor.
  • While I had to momentarily adjust my bad attitude, my husband shared how proud he was of the kids. I quickly took note.
  • While I was sharing and learning about this phenom called “social media,” they toughed out “Little House on the Prairie” living for over two days until the indoor tempt dipped below 45 degrees with no hope of power.
  • While I  listen now to my daughter’s soft snore as we snuggle, I ponder just how thankful I am for a husband and children who define flexibility, even in the most inconvenient of circumstances. (‘Cuz honestly, I don’t feel like being too flexible right now…)
But I surely believe that Flexibility and the Family are almost never, ever over rated.
(Regular programming will return soon, along with the glorious power.)