Feeding a Large Family for $500 a Month

Feeding a Large Family for $500 a Month

I get so many questions on how I can possibly feed our family of seven (with three teen age boys) and still stay under $500/month. Well, it’s here! 31 days of sharing how meals work (and don’t work) in our kitchen while still staying under $500 for...
Feeding a Large Family for $500 a Month

3 Moms, 3 Kitchens, 31 Days

Welcome to the Kick off of 3 Moms, 3 Kitchens, 31 Days. My sweet friends, Toni from the Happy Housewife, Kate from Cooking During Stolen Moments, and I are about to embark on a month long journey of opening our kitchens to you. As I mentioned on Friday, “I...