January’s Pantry and Freezer Challenge

January’s Pantry and Freezer Challenge

It’s that time of year when I officially ponder some of the changes that need to occur in our home in order to make it run more effectively. In the area of our food purchases and meal planning,  January ushers in the annual quick, swift in the bootie, and a...
Stuffed French Toast Casserole with Fruit

Stuffed French Toast Casserole with Fruit

Stuffed French Toast Casserole Regardless of how many mouths I have to feed, there always seems to be a few pieces of left over bread discarded, with new loaves opened. Yes, no regards for finishing the last loaf. I never get that. Do the kids not see those last few...
Saving for Quality Kitchen Tools

Saving for Quality Kitchen Tools

After yesterday’s budgeting post, “Give Every Dollar a Job,” I thought it would be fitting for this Tasty Tuesday to recall the first time I got down and dirty in saving for a quality kitchen tool – you know, a “kitchen want.”...