Sharing a Blessing: Blessing Basket Tradition

Sharing a Blessing: Blessing Basket Tradition

I pulled in the drive way and eyed something on the steps. A bag. A large, heavy grocery bag. Curiosity peaked, I hauled it inside the house and peered inside. Goodies and groceries, soup cans and staples. I opened up the enclosed envelope and a gift card to our local...
When Our Days are Seemingly Insignificant

When Our Days are Seemingly Insignificant

I did it to myself, and I knew better. That last cup of late night coffee created my self induced insomnia and now I was dealing with its effects. Isn’t it something, the vast scope of topics our mind travels to as we lay awake in bed? Over the course of an...
What Do I Give a Family with Eleven Kids?

What Do I Give a Family with Eleven Kids?

In April, it will be seventeen years that we built our home, which also marks another year out on our Homestead. Those who know me understand that “Homestead” is simply a fancy term for the land my brothers and I, along with our spouses, of course, bought ...
Generational Mothering

Generational Mothering

Looking around the table, I study the three generations represented. Amidst the chuckles, private jokes and deeper conversations, the profound generational legacy permeates not just the shared memories, but life choices, marriages, and even character development....
It All Flew Out the Window

It All Flew Out the Window

It took me years, but I’m beginning to understand the phrase, “The older I get, the less I know.” Right out of college, I was hired as a high school youth director (pastor) and let me tell you, I was “good.” I knew what I was doing. I...