Over the last few months, my family has been discussing personal and global finances ad nauseum.
From the failing economy, and the rise in consumer debt, to the high rate of unemployment (which we personally dealt with last year), there’s understandably cause for concern. Yet even though these specific issues have sparked our family’s desire to solidify tangeable financial goals for the year, we turn to the scripture as our authority for financial decisions.
With over 800 scriptures about money, God’s wisdom regarding these topics remain increasingly relevant and opens our eyes to his view on finances.
For many of you, the first credit card statement since Christmas has just come through the mail. Emotions may have dictated impulse purchasing decision, and you realize that new goals and commitments need to be examined for 2011.
Digging into scriptures about money may be daunting, but here are a few verses that I considered while I was setting financial goals for the year. Knowing the Lord has entrusted us to be wise financial stewards of what we have been given, is a monumental task, but as I dig in and further understand what it means, He kindly walks us through it with His word.
Contentment – Viewing all aspects in terms of where I stand in God’s economy is my desire. Ultimately, God is the owner of everything and we are just his stewards, so being content in anything he brings our way or doesn’t bring our way must be filtered through that sphere.
Philippians 4:11-13: For I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances may be. I know now how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of eating well or going hungry of facing either plenty of poverty. I am ready for anything through the strength of the One who lives within me.
Generosity – Whether with my time, resources, or creativity, I am convinced we can never out give God. HE always provides and returns it in ways I could never imagine.
Needs vs. Wants – I spent a lot of time during our unemployment pondering what our true needs consisted of in terms of God’s economy. Realizing that needs are often confused with wants, it’s amazing how simple life can be when we peel back the layers and enjoy simplicity.

Please continue reading my post about Walking in God’s Economy over at (in)courage today…..