Not a day goes by when I’m not overcome with gratitude for the strong legacy that weaves through our family story. My life could have been so different and that is a fact I don’t take lightly.

During my 31 Days of a Mentor Mom series, I touched on “Generational Mothering. I needed an important reminder.  During these exhausting years of day in and day out, never get a break, mommy kind of stuff, I am not just mothering my own children, but essentially, the mothering I do today impacts future generations.

In the nitty gritty of life, I remind myself that the choices I make today matters not only to my children, but my children’s children. Yes, with a kingdom purpose in mind, that emphasis affects the generations to come and that is a game changer for me.

Gathering as Extended Family

As we near Mother’s Day, I understand that it’s an emotional day for many. Some have experienced loss or feel the pain of a broken relationship with one’s mom. If that’s you, remember you are creating a new legacy.

Regardless of the past, your legacy begins anew today.

My mom chose to weave a new family tapestry. Raised in a home with an alcoholic father, she broke that cycle, believed in a stronger legacy, knew the Lord redeemed her years and now I receive the blessing of that choice.

Sharing just a small glimpse of the ways my mom has breathed life into our family also fuels my own commitment to our children because I grasp the blessing of a long term vision. Adopted into my forever family as a newborn, I’ve been encompassed with strength, commitment and grace from a generational legacy of love.

The blessing that rocked me, fed me, nurtured me and continues to guide me to this day is my forever mom; a woman who continually defines motherhood in unconditional ways that I can only imagine.

She has modeled for me what it is to be a faithful wife through difficult circumstances, a dedicated, wise and passionate mother to strong willed children, and an ever-involved, fun, crazy and youthful grandmother to thirty grandchildren.

Walking a minimum of two miles every day,  she has so much energy and puts me to shame in the area of fitness. I always joke that I want to be her when I grow up, but its’ true. She is FUN MOM, a fun grandma and there’s no one that I can enjoy a better belly laugh better with than my mom.

Fun with extended family

She modeled to me the definition of unwavering hospitality. She showed me that it wasn’t about the size of ones house or deep financial pockets, but about opening ones heart to those that need community.

Growing up, I thought a revolving door mentality occurred in every home. Over the past many decades, we housed unwed mothers during their pregnancies, missionaries on furlough, down and out addicts in need of a bed, but more instrumentally, my parents commitment to international students has profoundly impacted our family and how we view an open door mentality in our own home.

international students

It’s given us insight into so many varied cultures, religions, world views, language barriers, and granted us a heart for those who are different than us. This gift, given by my parents, has allowed my children to experience cultures without ever leaving the United States.

Her desire of leaving a generational legacy already extends to three generations. As most of her friends pack up and head south to enjoy months of relaxation, she continues to work hard to help support her family, as well as pouring into the lives of her grandchildren sacrificially.

As their mother, I am so grateful and thankful for this gift of additional mentors and Godly influences in their life outside just their parents.

No one’s story is perfect and while for most of my childhood, I assumed my mom had no problems.  As an adult child, I heard her complete story for the first time and I was stunned. Her story involves much pain, hurt and a season of depression, yet one would never know from the joy she shines.

When I think of the legacy of a Mother’s Love, I couldn’t be more humbled to know just how rare this is and I pray that the seeds I am planting now in the lives of my own children will reap just one small spark of what my mother’s did for me.

It’s a gift.