Frugal Fashionista…Contentment

Frugal Fashionista…Contentment

Sometimes we make fashion something that it’s not. We make it difficult. We make it about trends. We allow ourselves to be ruled by what someone else tells us looks good, and then fashion becomes stressful. Lately, writing my Frugal Fashionista posts have been...
Frugal Fashionista…Contentment

Do You Decorate Above Your Doors?

As I stumbled across this 1949 picture on, it conjured up so many feelings – a time when life was more simple, when boys were content to play with one truck on the floor, and when Family Managers focused on hanging their prized china plates over the...
Stock up Now…give generously year round

Stock up Now…give generously year round

It’s December 26th, one of my favorite store shopping days of the year and yet I sit all cozy up in bed completely snowed in on our gravel road. Beauty gallivanted down on Christmas Day in the form of eight inches of NC snow making it nearly impossible for us to...

Shop Like a Deal Pro…

I thought you may enjoy seeing part of my interview for I know it’s always fun to put a voice and face with the writer behind the blog. 🙂 We chatted for about ten minutes about many ways that I save money, and they will be putting together various...
Frugal Fashionista…Contentment

Saving for Quality Kitchen Tools

After yesterday’s budgeting post, “Give Every Dollar a Job,” I thought it would be fitting for this Tasty Tuesday to recall the first time I got down and dirty in saving for a quality kitchen tool – you know, a “kitchen want.”...