Many of you that live out of state have requested that I put the link up here so that you can watch it.
Now, you can chuckle with me. Just don’t look too closely. 🙂

(Edited to add. I never downloaded the video and the page is not longer found, but click on the the promo ad.)


Personally, I am thrilled that the message of frugal living is being looked at more closely as a viable, fun and creative option. The anchor woman set up the piece very nicely, which isn’t shown on the clip. She ended the segment with very positive comments as well.
The segment didn’t go into any specific details on how to accomplish a more frugal lifestyle.
So unfortunately, it may pique curiosity from those who watched it, but since they didn’t actually say the name of my blog…boo hoo…viewers will have to do a bit of work to find me.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience, and I was already asked if I would be open to doing things in the future. 🙂 At least I didn’t have to talk about deep cleaning. hee hee


Click here to see the whole segment – Fox News Interview