It’s interesting to me that so many people view this road as narrow.
This narrow path saved our children from danger.
My daughter held her daddy’s hand as she hiked this trail in Pigeon Forge.
She was safe, secure, and satisfied that he had her best interest at heart.
He would not bring her harm, even though she was scared.
And guess what? At the end of that narrow road…she experienced LIFE!

(photos taken by my son)

Glorious Life! Life to its Fullest!

The same is true of our Heavenly Father.
He has come to give us abundant Life!
Through my saving relationship with Him,
I am safe, secure and satisfied.

There is a way to experience that Life,
and it’s quite simple…his name is Jesus Christ.

‘I came that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’

John 10:10

Do you know my Jesus?